
Hi! This is Xianghan Cui (崔翔翰), welcome to my research homepage.

I’m a third-year PhD student in astrophysics from the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, advised by Di Li and Chengmin Zhang. Recently, I’m researching at the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research/Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy for one-year visiting PhD project, supervised by Clancy James. My main interests are in fast radio bursts (FRB) and pulsars, but I’m curious about everything in the universe.

Recently, I am focusing on the CHIME/FRB data and analyzing the population characteristics of FRBs using highly comprehensive statistical methods.


Note: This photo was taken during a hiking⛺️ in the mountains of Beijing (Mt. Dongling). Remarkably, FRBs are just like the lightning behind these clouds—bright, mysterious, but full of hidden information.

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